Spring Archives - HearFeel https://hearfeel.co.uk/tag/spring/ Sounds Into Words Mon, 12 Feb 2018 19:16:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://i0.wp.com/hearfeel.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/cropped-hearfeel-1.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Spring Archives - HearFeel https://hearfeel.co.uk/tag/spring/ 32 32 76039269 Brette Naucke – The Back of the Garden (Unifactor Tapes, 2018) https://hearfeel.co.uk/2018/02/12/brette-naucke-back-garden/ Mon, 12 Feb 2018 19:16:33 +0000 https://hearfeel.co.uk/?p=2818 It’s been incredibly cold lately, but the threat of Spring is growing. The mornings have been bright and crisp, the Sun beginning to gain a little more ground in the sky with each passing day; if it wasn’t for the absence of heat and the continuing greyness of the plant world, I would have said […]

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Poemme – Blooming Spring EP (Stereoscenic, 2017) https://hearfeel.co.uk/2017/07/05/poemme-blooming-spring/ Wed, 05 Jul 2017 17:52:51 +0000 https://hearfeel.co.uk/?p=2657 Although we’re now well past Springtime and all its excitations, sometimes it’s nice to reflect on the year’s months and seasons past. Blooming Spring is presently, in that sense, an ode to the memory, the dream, of Spring, a coda of its passing as we hang sweatily in the clutches of Summer. Here we yearn for the […]

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anthéne – orchid (Sound in Silence, 2017) https://hearfeel.co.uk/2017/05/01/anthene-orchid/ Mon, 01 May 2017 14:16:14 +0000 https://hearfeel.co.uk/?p=2605 There’s a melancholia to Spring, anthéne would argue: whilst many seem to labour the point of its regenerative power and the much desired return to life that the season provides, there’s also loss. Loss at its conclusion, certainly, when the planet spins away and leans back from the Sun, cooling and killing in the process, […]

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Jacaszek – KWIATY (Ghostly, 2017) https://hearfeel.co.uk/2017/03/30/jacaszek-kwiaty/ Thu, 30 Mar 2017 18:31:48 +0000 https://hearfeel.co.uk/?p=2570 A collection of pieces styled out of old-English poems and built on fractious and decayed orchestration, KWIATY all at once manages to embody the spectrum of emotions that we have lent flowers and their many varied species: the romantic rose for the lovers; the dainty petals picked off a billion daisies by adolescent crushes; bouquets left to […]

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Wil Bolton – February Dawn (Eilean Records, 2016) https://hearfeel.co.uk/2016/02/12/wil-bolton-february-dawn/ Fri, 12 Feb 2016 18:06:14 +0000 https://hearfeel.co.uk/?p=2224 Given our temperate climate in the UK, most months of the year are peculiar in their weather and have the potential to be either glorious or horrendous, or both. February is no exception of course, and because of its promise of a nearing Spring it’s a month spent in anticipation of Life’s return and longer days […]

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