Comments on: A Winged Victory For The Sullen – ATOMOS (Erased Tapes, 2014) Sounds Into Words Sun, 12 Oct 2014 20:13:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris Sun, 12 Oct 2014 20:13:16 +0000 In reply to Serge.

To consider this a rather harsh dismissal is I think something of an over-exaggeration. I commend the album at many points; just because on the whole I only consider this to be mildly above average doesn’t mean I’ve outright rejected it as a work. Many people have messaged me and cited this as the sole point for me not enjoying the record and I admit that it may have played some role, which is precisely why I was honest and relay that in the first line of the review. But if you read on I feel like I’ve made valid points of criticism on a few aspects of the album that, for me personally, affected my enjoyment of it regardless of my current feelings towards Ambient music.
HearFeel unfortunately is focused on largely Ambient music and had it not been ATOMOS being reviewed then it would have been something else; makes me wonder how many other reviewers and music journalists have suffered disenchantment with music and continued to write (for money, perhaps), and how many albums have subsequently been given “harsh dismissals” as a result.

I hope that clears things up a little.


By: Serge Sun, 12 Oct 2014 19:45:25 +0000 Since you admit you are “burnt out over Ambient music lately”, then perhaps this was not the right time to review an ambient album. The rather harsh dismissal may just as well be a result of that burn-out rather than a fair assessment of the work’s merits.
